Standard Approach to FortiClient removal
Here are the regular steps to uninstall FortiClient from different Windows OS.
Step 1: Turn off FortiClient
If FortiClient appears in the system tray, you should shut it down completely prior to the uninstall. To do so, right click on its icon and choose Shutdown FortiClient.
And to verify if related process still runs on the background, do the followings:
- Right click on the taskbar and then choose Task Manager to launch this utility.
- Select process(es) pertaining to FortiClient, and click End Task button.
Step 2: Uninstall FortiClient
Once installed properly, any third party program can be uninstalled from Windows uninstall applet. Make sure to log in as an administrator to perform the uninstall.
On Windows 7:
- Head to Start > Control Panel > Programs, and click the Uninstall programs link.
- Scroll through to select FortiClient from the list, and click Uninstall button.
On Windows 8 &10:
- Right click on Start menu and then click Programs and Features from the list.
- Select FortiClient in the list, and click Uninstall to start the uninstallation.
Windows 10 users can also manage installed apps from the Settings app. Here is how to uninstall FortiClient via Settings: click on Start menu > Settings, and then click on the Apps & features in the left-hand sidebar; as the list in the right-hand extends, select FortiClient, and click on the Uninstall button twice.
As the Windows Installer window pops up, follow the onscreen instructions.
- Click on Yes to confirm the uninstall, and then click OK to close running apps.
- When it is finished, click on Yes button to exit the setup wizard and restart your PC.
Tip: If FortiClient has been corrupted, or some of its main executive files are missing, you may fail to uninstall it by this way. In that case, you can try to remove Forticlient via command prompt OR re-install FortiClient to cover those problematic files, and then uninstall it in the Safe Mode.